Ships, More Ships and Great Ships

My interest in ships and the Royal Mail Steamer Titanic dates back to childhood. I remember a grade school reader containing a story called "Iceberg, Right Ahead!" I read the story over and over. I was hooked.

Titanic became an obsession. I decorated my livingroom then office with framed prints of her and collected more books than can comfortably be contained on a coffee table, or even in a bookcase. My titanic Titanic obsession has faded over time and an appreciation for steamships in general has grown in its place. Sometime in 1998, I started collecting ship postcards. (I'm "EJ_Smith" on channel #Titanic on the DALnet IRC network. I also run a mailing list for those who enjoy talking about the ship. Subscribe at Just enter "subscribe titanic" as the body of the message.)

What about trinkets, you ask? Well, I don't go after too much of the Titanic memorabilia out there. I have a White Star Line fork, a commemorative dinner bell, a statuette of Captain E.J. Smith, a piece of recovered coal, and my prize... some rust from a Titanic hull plate. TITANIC METAL!
